2017.09.29 ガボン共和国向けに蓄電池供給案件を受注 Conclusion of a contract: the Japan’s Grant Aid for the Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System for Gabonese Republic (FY 2009)

南洋貿易株式会社は、一般財団法人 日本国際協力システム(JICS)「環境・気候変動対策無償案件」をアフリカ、ガボン共和国向けに受注しました。JICSが供与済みの太陽光パネルと蓄電池を繋げることで、蓄電池・既存の太陽光発電・供給電源とのグリッド化を図ることで、より効率的に太陽光エネルギーの発電を利用できるようになり、現地の環境問題解決に貢献します。

NBK Corporation made a contract with Japan International Corporation System (JICS) under “the Japan’s Grant Aid for the Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System for Gabonese Republic (FY 2009)” on September 29th, 2017. Storage batteries will be procured to be connected to the existing solar panels through the project. The grid will produce more solar power efficiently as well as contribute to resolve environmental problems in the country.


客先  :Ministry of Water and Electricity
供与機材:Storage batteries/蓄電池