2017.11.01 サモア向けに歯科診療車両供給案件を受注 Conclusion of a contract: the Japan's Non-project Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Independent State of Samoa (FY2015)
南洋貿易株式会社は、一般財団法人 日本国際協力システム(JICS)「経済社会開発計画」をサモア向けに受注しました。供給される歯科診療車両は、国立健康増進局に供与され、現地の歯科治療サービスの向上に貢献します。
NBK Corporation made a contract with Japan International Corporation System (JICS) under “the Japan's Non-project Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Independent State of Samoa (FY2015)” on November 30th, 2017. Dental Clinic Vehicle will be procured to the National Health Service through the project, and it will aim at an improvement of local dental treatment services.
客先 :Ministry of Finance
供与機材:Dental Clinic Vehicle (1 unit)/歯科診療車両