2020.10.30 ボツワナ共和国向け経済社会開発計画案件受注 Conclusion of a contract: Japan’s Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Lao People's Democratic Republic (FY2018)
南洋貿易株式会社(NBK)は、クラウンエイジェンツ・ジャパン株式会社(Crown Agents Japan Limited)「ボツワナ共和国向け経済社会開発計画」案件(地デジ受信器)を受注しました。ボツワナは、国営放送のボツワナテレビが地デジを開始し、現在、アナログ放送から地デジへの移行やデータ放送の活用等の取組が進められています。この案件では、地デジ受信器(セットトップボックス)を、貧困層等の社会的弱者の中でも特に支援を必要とする世帯を対象に供与することにより,ボツワナにおける貧富の差から生じる情報格差の是正及び防災や災害被害の減少に貢献します。
NBK Corporation has been awarded the contract, Japan's Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme to the Republic of Botswana(FY2020), by Crown Agents Japan Limited on October 2, 2020. The national broadcaster, Botswana Television, has started digital terrestrial broadcasting, and is currently working on the transition from analog to digital terrestrial broadcasting and the use of data broadcasting. This project will provide Set-Top Box (STB) for digital terrestrial broadcasting to poor and vulnerable households in need of assistance, and will contribute to the correction of the information caused by the gap between the rich and the poor in Botswana, as well as to disaster prevention and reduction of disaster damage.