2015.05.01 トンガ王国向けのマイクログリッドシステム 納入完了

トンガ王国は島嶼国という地理的な条件から、石油燃料輸入額が全輸入の約20%を占め、GDPの約10%に相当するが、国際的な原油価格の変動に大きく影響されるため、高額な電気料金がトンガ国民の負担となっております。この問題を改善するべくトンガマイクログリッドシステムプロジェクト(Project for Introduction of a Micro-Grid System with Renewable Energy for the Tonga Energy Road Map)が日本援助により実施されました。


Successful Completion of the Project for Introduction of a Micro-Grid System with Renewable Energy for the Tonga Energy Road Map in the Kingdom of Tonga

We, NBK Corporation, are pleased to announce that the company and Fuji Electric Co Ltd have successfully completed the Project for Introduction of a Micro-Grid System with Renewable Energy for the Tonga Energy Road Map, Grant Aid provided by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in May 2015.

This project aims to lessen the island’s substantial dependency on fossil fuels for power generation and alleviate electricity effects to local people in the country due to international-oil price fluctuations. A Micro-Grid system, a small-scale power grid, is adopted as a more suitable and efficient power generation system for the country consisting of small islands.

The Micro-Grid system the support of Grant Aid from the Government of Japan is dedicated to maintaining the power quality and reduce a heavy financial burden of locals in Tonga.