2020.03.06 スリナム共和国向け経済社会開発計画案件受注 Conclusion of a contract: Japan’s Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Republic of Suriname (FY2018)
南洋貿易株式会社(NBK)は、一般財団法人 日本国際協力システム(JICS)「スリナム共和国向け経済社会開発計画(FY2018)」案件を受注しました。この案件では、水産関連機材(掘削機、車両)を供与することにより、漁獲物の品質改善を通じた所得向上や政府機関の密漁取締能力の強化を図り、スリナム水産業の持続的な発展に寄与することを目的としております。
NBK Corporation has been awarded the contract, Japan's Grant Aid for the Economic and Social Development Programme for the Republic of Suriname (FY2018), by the Japan International Cooperation System (JICS) on March 6th, 2020. By procuring fishery products (excavators and a refrigerator cargo truck) to the recipient country, the project aims to raise the fishing industry's income level through quality improvement of their fishing products and support poaching control by the governmental organizations, contributing to sustainable development in the country's fishing industry.