2019.07.10 トンガ王国向け風力発電所整備計画案件 オープニングセレモニー開催 Grand Opening Ceremony of the Project for Installation of Wind Power Generation System
南洋貿易株式会社(NBK)は、「トンガ王国向け風力発電所整備計画案件」の下、2019年7月10日(水)に開催されたオープニングセレモニーに参加しました。本発電所は、トンガ国王(トゥポウ6世)により「LI 'O MANUMATAONGO 1.3MW WIND FARM と名付けられました。
NBK Corporation attended a grand opening ceremony of the Project for Installation of Wind Power Generation System, grant aid provided by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), on July 10, 2019. This wind farm is named of 'LI 'O MANUMATAONGO 1.3MW WIND FARM' by the King Tupou VI.
This project is a part of 'Tonga's Renewable Energy Roadmap, which aims to reduce an existing power generation method depended on fossil fuels and to shift to a more sustainable way, which is eco-friendly and reliable.
This project would also play a significant role in the Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 'Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts'.