2018.07.03 トンガ王国への中古ラグビーボールと中古ランドセル寄贈に協力 Donated Used Rugby Balls and School Bags to the Kingdom of Tonga
寄贈品を載せた本船New Guinea Chiefは6月16日に横浜港を出港、トンガ王国Nuku’alofa港には7月10日に到着の予定。ラグビーボールの寄贈は今回が三回目、ランドセルは初となる。
We, NBK Corporation, is pleased to announce that used rugby balls and school bags will be donated to the Kingdom of Tonga, which are given by the Kanagawa Rugby Football Union and the Board of Education of Ebina City. We complimentary support sea transportation and local delivery in Tonga.
Those gifts have already been shipped from the Yokohama Port and will be arrived at the Nuku’alofa Port on July 10th, 2018.